Friday, February 6, 2015

Earning Online by Answering Surveys

I answer surveys online and I am earning from doing it.

Here is what I do:

I sign up for survey panels online. Signing up is not enough, I have to complete my profile in order for the survey panel to determine what types of surveys suited to me.

Once sign up is complete, surveys come. I got notified by available surveys through email. Then, I just answer surveys that come and let my points reach the threshold. When my points reach the minimum number of points, I have a choice to either convert the points to rewards or continue earning points until I would like to claim my rewards already.

The rewards that I have already received include Sodexo Pass, check in US dollars and Paypal cash. I use the cash  which I received through Paypal in paying for my online purchases. Usually, I buy natural toiletries online.

So, here are the survey panels that I was into:





Sometimes if one does not want to convert his or her points to cash or kind rewards, there are some panels that provide choice of giving one's reward to a charity organization.

If you know more about Survey Panels that make you earn, just let me know.

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